Copenhagen (2003)
Photos per year (number): 2003 (57)
K?benhavn airport

Danish bakery

Danish pastry

Snapshot of Copenhagen life

Sortedams S?en

Geese in Sortedams

Bean seller

Rosenborg Slot

H?tel d'Angleterre

Magasin du Nord

K?benhavn Royal theatre

Scenic Nyhavn

Boat docked in Nyhavn

Colourful buildings along Nyhavn

Charming Nyhavn quays


Eye-catching building in Christianhavn

Christian Kirke

Water motifs in Christianhavn

Lovely quays in Christianhavn

Danish street scene

Vor Frelsers Kirke

Arched entrance

Spires of B?rsen

The 3 crocodiles of B?rsen

Church in central Copenhagen

Street performers in Str?get

Design rules in Str?get

Funny sticky spiders for sale in the street

R?dhus, the city hall

The famous vikings near the R?dhus

Cycling taxis for hire

City colours on the R?dhus

An original building opposite the R?dhus

An original building opposite the R?dhus

HC Andersen

A beautiful building in the city centre

A beautiful building in the city centre

View from Langelinie

Den Lille Havfrue, the Little Mermaid

Den Lille Havfrue

Den Lille Havfrue

Close-up on the Little Mermaid

View from Langelinie

Charming nature near Langelinie

Charming nature near Langelinie

Amalienborg fountain and castle

My hand in the fountain of Amalienborg

Motif on Amalienborg square

Amalienborg castle

Heart in a guard hut near Amalienborg

Christiansborg castle

?sterport station tracks

?sterport station, early morning

Bridge to Sweden seen from the sky

Copenhagen from the sky, with the windmills

Copenhagen center from the sky



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